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Displaying 125 of 133 matches for All Fields: latvia
1. Documentation of names and commemoration of the victims (ID: 20652)
Riga [Concentration Camp] Latvia
2. List of Jews Residing in Riga (ID: 49467)
Riga Latvia ... Jews--Latvia
3. Evakuierung von Juden nach Riga aus dem Stapobereich München. (ID: 25694)
Title (In English): Evacuation of Jews from the State Police district Munich to Riga.
Creator: Geheime Staatspolizei Staatspolizeistelle München
Riga Latvia
4. Austrian, Czech, and German Jews in Riga (Latvia) (ID: 20644)
Riga [ghetto] Latvia
5. [Extraordinary Commission data: Otpr 1] (ID: 20897)
Creator: Чрезвычайная Государственная Комиссия Extraordinary State Commission for ascertaining and investigating crimes perpetrated by the German–Fascist invaders and their accomplices, and the damage inflicted by them on citizens, collective farms, social organisations, State enterprises and institutions of the U.S.S.R.
Electronic data regarding persons in Latvia, from Soviet Extraordinary Commission records; data ... Latvia
6. Index for "Juedisches Nachrichtenblatt", No. 61/1941 of September 12, 1941 (ID: 24633)
Creator: Jüdisches Nachrichtenblatt
Riga Latvia
7. Fluetichtige sowjetrussische Kreigsgefangene. (ID: 1381)
Title (In English): Escaped Soviet prisoners of war.
Creator: Geheime Staatspolizei
Chief of "SD" Police in Latvia.
8. Nachstehend ausgfuerte Kriegsgefangene sind festgenommen and erschossen. (ID: 1382)
Title (In English): The following prisoners of war have been arrested and shot.
Creator: Geheime Staatspolizei
Chief of "SD" Police in Latvia
9. [Mauthausen death list] (ID: 10139)
Creator: Unknown
Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland
10. Deceased from Sandbostel camp. (ID: 10154)
Creator: Unknown
Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Spain, and Yugoslavia, and a number whose nationality was unknown.
11. Deceased from Sandbostel camp. (ID: 10057)
Creator: Unknown
Holland, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Spain, and Yugoslavia, and a number whose
Creator: World Jewish Congress
(8 names). 4. Returned survivors from the transport to Riga (Latvia): Birth date and place and
13. List of Jews repatriated from the USSR residing at present in Latvia. (ID: 14209)
Creator: World Jewish Congress
Creator: World Jewish Congress
15. List of survivors, camp Sandbostel. (ID: 10143)
Creator: Unknown
Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania
16. Nizhe poimennovanie voennoplennie zaderzhayi i rasstrelyanny. (ID: 1380)
Title (In English): Named prisoners of war who have been captured and shot.
Creator: Geheime Staatspolizei
Chief of "SD" Police in Latvia
17. Nizhe poimennovannye voennoplennye zaderzhany I rasstrelyanny (ID: 13631)
Title (In English): Prisoners of war named below have been captured and shot.
Creator: Geheime Staatspolizei
Chief of "SD" Police in Latvia.
18. Nominal roll of deceased PWs or DPs. (ID: 9990)
Creator: Unknown
victims from Belgium, Czechoslovakia, France, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Poland, and Russian, and a number
19. Nominal roll of deceased PWs or DPs. (ID: 9991)
Creator: Unknown
victims from Austria, Czechoslovakia, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Poland, and Yugoslavia, and
20. Otnositel'no bezhavshikh sovetskikh voennoplennikh nizhepoimenovannie sovetskie voennoplennie sbezhali s mesta raboty. (ID: 1379)
Title (In English): Relating to Soviet prisoners of war who fled from their place of work.
Creator: Geheime Staatspolizei
Chief of "SD" Police in Latvia
21. Otnositel'no bezhavshikh sovetskikh voennoplennikh. (ID: 13630)
Title (In English): Concerning escaped Soviet prisoners of war.
Creator: Geheime Staatspolizei
List of Soviet prisoners of war in Latvia who escaped from their workplace. ... Chief of "SD" Police in Latvia
22. Zugang am 13.1.1945 aus Windau (Lettland) (ID: 2129)
Title (In English): Arrival on January 13, 1945, from Windau (Latvia)
Creator: Ravensbrueck Concentration Camp KL-Ravensbrueck
Arrival on January 13, 1945, from Windau (Latvia) ... Windau (Latvia)
23. "3. Lista jenców radzieckich -- Invalidów z transportu przeslanego przez SIPO Riga, wpisanych do Stutthofu 15.8.1944 i zmarlych (ID: 30311)
Riga (Latvia) --Registers of dead. ... World War, 1939-1945 --Deportations from Latvia --Riga --Registers of dead.
24. 1) List, dated May 29, 1942, of 20 Jews employed by the German Railroad Command in Riga. (ID: 30118)
Jews --Latvia. ... Riga (Latvia)
25. 1) Undated alphabetical list of Jews living in Nürnberg. Entries include date and place of birth and address (n.b. (ID: 30434)
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) --Latvia. ... Riga (Latvia) ... Jews --Persecutions --Latvia. ... Jews, German --Latvia.