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Displaying 163 of 63 matches for All Fields: after the war in germany
1. Dutch Survivor Lists (ID: 27995)
Historical Museum in Amsterdam. The lists include survivors documented after the war in various locations ... 0036 A list of 208 Jews who came out of hiding after the war in Leeuwarden. Information consists of name ... to the Netherlands after the war. ... from hiding in Drachten at the end of the war. Information consists of name, date and place of birth
2. JÜDISCHE GEMEINDE ZU BERLIN Bestand B. 1/9, Nr. 1 DP-Kartei 1945–1949 (ID: 20702)
Title (In English): JEWISH COMMUNITY OF BERLIN Group B. 1/9, No. 1 DP index 1945-1949
Creator: Jüdische Gemeinde zu Berlin Jewish Community in Berlin
Community in Berlin in the first years after the war; data includes names and dates and places of birth ... into the history of Jews in Germany ... Researchers should contact the Zentralarchiv zur Erforschung der Geschichte der Juden in ... Electronic data regarding displaced Jewish persons from two transit camps run by the Jewish
3. Eichberg Euthanasia List (ID: 45682)
from Eichberg to the killing institution in Hadamar. After transports to killing facilities such as ... starting in 1942. From 1943 on, some patients worked in various regional factories to support the war ... disabled patients situated near Eltville-Erbach in the Rheingau region. Index includes name, date of birth ... -Erbach in the Rheingau region. In the early 1930s, forced sterilizations were carried out in
4. Persons who Died in Mühldorf Between November 1944 and April 1945 (ID: 20632)
from an American list that was presumably created after the war, data includes names, birth and death ... Electronic data regarding male prisoners who died in Mühldorf between November 1944 and April 1945 ... Mühldorf [subcamp] Germany
5. Lists 1 and 3 [partial] of ca. 800 Jewish survivors from the Netherlands / [compiled by the Joodsch Informatiebureau]. (ID: 30993)
Algiers, Algeria; Germany; Netherlands; Theresienstadt and Marseille after the war. ... survivors from the Netherlands who were in Belgium; Algiers, Algeria; Germany; Netherlands; Theresienstadt ... and Marseille after the war. ... survivors in and from the Netherlands published by the Joodsch Informatiebureau [=Jewish Information Bureau
6. List of Holocaust Survivors From the Pruzany District (ID: 20640)
Creator: Committee of 923 Jewish Survivors from Pruzany, Poland, Who Live in Feldoffing, Germany
after World War II containing personal testimonies and a list of survivors from the Pruzany district ... were at the time in Feldoffing, Germanym and from a booklet printed in Argentina (in Yiddish) shortly ... Committee of 923 Jewish Survivors from Pruzany, Poland, Who Live in Feldoffing, Germany
7. [Index to] Department of State. Office of the U.S. High Commissioner for Germany. (09/21/1949 - 05/05/1955) (ID: 35580)
files concern children who were born after the war but were abandoned by their parents for various ... parents during the war as a result of the concentration camps or when a family became refugees. A few case ... reasons (e.g., the father was a soldier in the German Army). This series also consists of memorandums
8. [List of Czechoslovakian children currently in Switzerland] (ID: 42645)
orphanage in Budapest. In June of 1944, they were deported to Germany. After the war, they were sent to ... List of children of Czechoslovakian citizens who were brought from Germany to Switzerland in August ... The names in this collection were made
9. [Ravensbrück prisoners' list, title and cover sheet missing] (ID: 1461)
Creator: Ravensbrueck Concentration Camp KL-Ravensbrueck
remarks (e.g., transferred or [dead]) with date stamp. In many cases one can determine where the prisoner ... was sent or release date. The list continues after consecutive number 6300 and a list of camp ... In 2019 the Museum signed a new cooperative agreement with IPN (Instytut Pamięci Narodowej ... Institute of National Remembrance) in Poland, which requires the use of a new User Declaration and the
10. Untitled [Report of changes in status for April 11, 1945--Arrivals]. (ID: 136)
Creator: Unknown
The first 54 names are listed in order of prisoner number; the last 1 was being returned to the camp ... This is a list of arrivals at Dachau on April 11, 1945. The list includes each prisoner's last and ... first names, prisoner number and type, and, for a few, the camp from which he was brought to Dachau
11. Untitled [Report of changes in status for April 18, 1945--Arrivals]. (ID: 4272)
Creator: Unknown
first names and prisoner number and type. The first 27 prisoners are listed in order of their prisoner ... numbers; the remaining 1 was returned to Dachau after having escaped and therefore has an ealrier prisoner ... This is a list of arrivals at Dachau on April 18, 1945. The list includes each prisoner's last and
12. Untitled [Report of changes in status for April 22, 1945--Arrivals]. (ID: 4460)
Creator: Unknown
first names and prisoner number and type. The first 15 names are in order of prisoner number; the last ... is the name of a prisoner who was returned after having escaped and therefore has an earlier prisoner ... This is a list of arrivals at Dachau on April 22, 1945. The list includes each prisoner's last and
13. Untitled [Report of changes in status for January 25,1945--Arrivals]. (ID: 4277)
Creator: Unknown
and first names and prisoner number and type. The first 32 prisoners are numbered in order; the ... This is a list of arrivals at Dachau on January 25, 1945. The list includes each person's last ... remainder have earlier numbers because they had been in Dachau earlier and now either were being transferred
14. Veränderungsmeldung. (ID: 4166)
Title (In English): Change notice.
Creator: Concentration Camp Buchenwald Konzentrationslager Buchenwald
prisoner (e.g. those released), and the same individuals may appear in multiple lists. NOTE: This list ... is on pgs. 1275 & 1277 (pages are numbered incorrectly in this section of the film, with 1276 - which ... Natzweiler and to police agencies in Magdeburg and Nürnberg. A separate list appears for each category of ... contains an unrelated list - appearing after 1277).
15. Verklaring van den heer Isidore de Jong. (ID: 9026)
Title (In English): Testimony of Mr. Isidore de Jong.
Creator: Dutch Institute for War Documentation Rijksinstituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie
mentions and provides the first and last name of political prisoner he met in Tschechowitz. In addition ... This is the testimony of Isidore de Jong, a survivor of the transport from Westerbork to ... after liberation. None of these people are named. ... Dutch Institute for War Documentation Rijksinstituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie
16. "Die Totenliste der Konzentrationslager bei Mühldorf", In: Die Geschichte der NS-Zeit im Landkreis Mühldorf : Den Opfern zum Gedenken. (ID: 31241)
One of two lists of prisoners who died in or near Mühldorf, Germany offered by the volunteers at ... current list was originally compiled by United States military officials in the years after WWII. ... organization whose volunteers are documenting the events which took place in Mühldorf during the Nazi era. The ... forced labor camps run by Organisation Todt as sub-camps of Dachau in and around the town of Mühldorf
17. Alphabetical listing (from c. 1947-48) of approx. 600 orphaned children 'from the concentration camps' held at the 'Kloster Indersdorf (ID: 30752)
after World War II. The National Archives and Records Administration accquired the collection ca. 1983 ... Similar or identical to the item in the USHMM Library collection titled: "List of Jewish children ... transferred the collection to the United States Holocaust Memorial Msueum Archives in Nov. 1994.
18. Auszug aus der Datenbank: Opfer der Schiffsbombardierungen vom 3.5.1945, [With:] Nach dem 3.5.1945 Neustadt verstorbene Ausländer. (ID: 30779)
and Thielbeck anchored in the Lübeck Bay near Neustadt on April 25-26, 1945. On May 3 the British air ... Database: Foreigners who died in Neustadt after May 3, 1945"]. Entries in both lists may contain (where ... number, date of death, occupation and place of death (often partial). Entries in the second list may ... World War, 1939-1945 --Prisoners and prisons, Germany --Registers.
19. Bergen Belsen Memorial Book. [Electronic resource] (ID: 33293)
prisoners interned at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp near Celle, Germany (both those who perished and ... These data files contain information not included in the published book version. ... World War, 1939-1945 --Registers of dead --Germany --Bergen-Belsen. ... only on the USHMM Computer Network in the folder S:\DATA\REGLISTS\BB8674\
20. Confirmation of packages recieved from the International Committee of the Red Cross for Greek citizens with accompanying list. (ID: 32114)
List of 24 Greek citizens in Germany as part of a confimation letter from the Greek Red Cross in ... 59 after World War II. International Committee of the Red Cross filmed the records for the United States ... Germany to the International Committee of the Red Cross for packages recieved. Includes last name, first ... In Archives of the International Committee of the Red Cross (AICRC): Series G59.
21. Copies of namelists of the concentration camps Mauthausen including all registered (official) transports between Feb. (ID: 32648)
The original lists presumably were produced after the liberation and are now in the bereau [sic] of ... World War, 1939-1945 --Registers of dead --Germany. ... vital statistics in Mauthausen. How they got there is unknown. But after an examination it was ... These namelists are in accordance with the so-called "Zugangsbuch" (arrival book) in the U
22. Czestochowa-Radomsko Area Research Group : Search surnames. [Internet resource] (ID: 32665)
living in (or born in) Poland. The time period covered is just before, during, and just after World War ... in the Kielce District, Surviving Warsaw Jews, US Zone, Germany, Survivors in Stockholm, Survivors in ... Refugees in the USSR, Polish Refugees in Tehran, Przyrów Books of Residents, Radomsko Book of Migration ... Database which simultaneously searches over 100 computerized name lists pertaining to the Jews of
23. Deutsche Dienststelle (WASt) for the notification of next-of-kin of members of the former German Wehrmacht who were killed in action. (ID: 33348)
Saalfeld and part in Meiningen. After the occupation of Thuringia, from the 12.04.45 onwards, the WASt ... "Shortly before the outbreak of World War II the National Information Office was opened in Berlin W ... In August 1943 the Wehrmacht Information Office was moved to Thuringia, part of it being stored in ... On the 01.07.1945, immediately before Soviet troops took over in Thuringia, the Americans moved the
compensate for variations in surname spellings -- it may be that a person with the surname 'Majer' is listed ... alphabetically by forename under (e.g.) a parent who used the spelling 'Maier.' Women married after 30 January ... World War, 1939-1945 --Deportations from Germany --Baden-Württemberg --Registers. ... Dokumentationsstelle zur Erforschung der Schicksale der Jüdischen Bürger in Baden-Württemberg 1933
25. DIE SCHIFFERSTADTER JUDEN : EIN LESEBUCH / Emil Georg Sold, Bernhard Kukatzki. (ID: 33112)
(p. 115) gives the fate of 51 Jews residing in Schifferstadt after 1933, with birthdate and ... List 2 (p. 102) lists the 12 Jews living in Schifferstadt in 1939, with address, birthdate and place ... and marital status given. List 3 (p. 113) lists 12 individuals with the surname Landmann in detention ... camps in the south of France, with birthdate and place, nationality, and transport number given. List 4
26. DOCUMENTS CONCERNING THE DESTRUCTION OF THE JEWS OF GRODNO, 1941-1944 / edited by Serge Klarsfeld. (ID: 30060)
underground and recovered after the war. D. Testimonies gathered in years 1944-1946. E. Testimonies gathered ... 5, p. 1-97, in the section headed "Jewish Community in Pre-War Grodno"), an alphabetical listing of ... trial, 1966-1967. -- v. 5. The Grodno trial in Cologne, 1968. -- v. 5A. Jewish community in pre-war ... c. 3,000 Jews who paid taxes to the Grodno city council in 1937. Entries include address
27. Etudiants norvégiens dans le camp de Buchenwald. adresse : Schliessfach 209, Weimar. (ID: 32119)
59 after World War II. International Committee of the Red Cross filmed the records for the United States ... In Archives of the International Committee of the Red Cross (AICRC): Series G59. ... Norwegian students in the Buchenwald camp. Address : Schliessfach 209, Weimar. New list revised. ... International Committee of the Red Cross, Commission of Prisoners, Internees and Civilians
28. Four lists of victims of Sandbostel concentration camp. (ID: 33069)
and 4 cover individuals who died in an unspecified location (likely at the camp itself), Lists 2 and 3 ... those who died in the British General Hospital, and List 3 individuals buried in Unterstedt Cemetery ... victims. Lists appear to cover only those who died after the liberation of the camp. ... World War, 1939-1945 --Registers of dead --Germany --Bremervörde.
-Belsen Concentration Camp in Germany. Entries include the name of the person at the time of deportation ... changes. Umlauts over vowels (e.g. ä and ü) are replaced with the letter 'e' after the vowel. Thus, 'ä' is ... written as 'ae', etc. A dash (-) in any field indicates that the information could not be determined. ... World War, 1939-1945 --Registers of dead --Germany --Bergen-Belsen.
30. GEDENKBUCH BERLINS : DER JÜDISCHEN OPFER DES NATIONALSOZIALISMUS / Freie Universität Berlin, Zentralinstitut für sozialwissenschaftliche (ID: 31136)
resided in Berlin in June 1933; this number declined to nearly 76,000 by the onset of World War II. Note ... Memorial book listing the fate of c. 56,000 Jews from Berlin, Germany. Approximately 161,000 Jews ... Not all of the persons listed in this one-volume work are native Berliners. Many arrived either before ... or after Hitler came to power. pp. 9-1402 contain alphabetical listings by surname. In cases of
Cologne or Hagen in Germany, or from an intermediate point in Belgium, France, or the Netherlands. Entries ... Memorial book to the Jewish Holocaust victims and survivors from Hagen, Germany. Contains various ... of German citizenship who, after the Treaty of Saint Germain became Polish citizens, were expelled to ... World War, 1939-1945 --Deportations from Germany --Hagen (Arnberg) --Registers.
's detention centre. Virtually all resistance fighters in Hamburg were locked up in "Kola-Fu", as were, after ... 1935, increasing numbers of Jehovah's Witnesses and Jews (e.g. over 700 committals after the pogroms of ... (Sinti gypsies, beggars, homosexuals, prostitutes etc.) were committed to "Kola-Fu", while during the war ... Anti-Nazi movement --Germany --Hamburg --Registers.
33. International Claims List : German victims from 1939 - 49, current claimers. [Internet resource] (ID: 33286)
estimated being murdered by systematic starvation to death by medical professionals in Germany after the ... mass murder, 1939 to 1948 held in Berlin on the Wittenbergplatz at the memorial "Places of Horror ... medical professionals. 275,000 were estimated by the Nurenberg Medical Tribunal in 1947. 25,000 are ... World War, 1939-1945 --Registers of dead --Germany --Registers.
34. Inventaire de la serie G 44, otages et detenus politiques, 1939-1952. (ID: 33074)
and after by satellite regimes of the Nazis or imprisoned by Germany in countries occupied by Germany ... and German nationals detained or interned in countries of the allied coalition during or after World ... series G44 after World War II. ICRC filmed the records for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum ... in Nazi prisons and camps; political prisoners and resistance fighters imprisoned during World War II
35. JewishGen's Holocaust Database. [Internet resource] (ID: 32535)
555 who died in the "Revier" Clinic at Dachau after liberation. ... Names of forced laborers who were buried in the local cemetery of Braunschweig, Germany. ... Names of over 33,000 Holocaust survivors, published in the German-language newspaper Aufbau in New ... 2,470 new arrivals in Lager II (Buchenwald, Germany).
36. 'Juden in Hessen-Nassau', In: AUFBAU (22 Jun 1945). (ID: 30937)
-Nassau after the end of World War II. Entries include name, birthdate and address. The article states ... Alphabetical listing of Jews living in various towns of the [former] German province of Hessen ... volunteers of the Survivors Registry of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. from ... Data compiled from this source is also included in the "USHMM namesearch
37. 'Juden in Kassel', In: AUFBAU (22 Jun 1945). (ID: 30757)
Alphabetical directory of Jews in Kassel, Germany after the war. Entries include name, birth date ... volunteers of the Survivors Registry of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. from ... Data compiled from this source is also included in the "USHMM namesearch
38. 'Juden in Leipzig', In: AUFBAU (1 Jun 1945). (ID: 29948)
Alphabetical name register of Jews residing in Leipzig, Germany after World War II appended with ... volunteers of the Survivors Registry of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. from ... Data compiled from this source is also included in the "USHMM namesearch
39. 'Juden in Marburg a. L.', In: AUFBAU (22 Jun 1945). (ID: 30487)
Alphabetical listing of Jews living in Marburg an der Lahn after the end of World War II. Entries ... volunteers of the Survivors Registry of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. from ... Data compiled from this source is also included in the "USHMM namesearch
40. Lijst van overledenen van het "Sternlager" te Bergen-Belsen. (ID: 29794)
of which the largest contingent were Dutch, were interned in the "Sternlager" and had been expected ... World War, 1939-1945 --Deportations from the Netherlands --Registers. ... World War, 1939-1945 --Deportations from Germany --Bergen-Belsen --Registers. ... "List of deceased in the 'Sternlager' at Bergen-Belsen"--Handwritten notation at head of leaf 1.
41. Lijst van repatrieerende Joodsche krijgsgevangenen officieren : Passage-Enschede, [With:] Lijst van hollandse officieren uit Neu-Brandenburg (ID: 30991)
of war and were released at War's end. The first lists 15 officers and 3 enlisted men who passed ... man who had returned to the Netherlands after release from the German military prison of Neu ... Prisoners of war --Germany --Neu Brandenburg --Registers. ... List of 26 Jewish Dutch officers who returned to the Netherlands after having been imprisoned.
42. List of 646 Jews eligible for exchange in Bergen-Belsen submitted by the Rescue Department of the World Jewish Congress / [compiled (ID: 32615)
after the war, date of birth, place of birth, and name of country of refuge in Latin America (including ... World War, 1939-1945 --Jews --Rescue --Germany --Bergen-Belsen --Registers.
43. List of Jewish children believed to be orphans in United Nations Rescue and Relief Administration displaced persons camps and in the (ID: 33249)
displaced persons after World War II. The National Archives and Records Administration accquired the ... Administration transferred the collection to the United States Holocaust Memorial Msueum Archives in Nov. 1994. ... displaced persons camps and in the Kloster Indersdorf Assembly Center for Jewish unaccompanied children
44. List of Jews from the Netherlands who were liberated from Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp or resident in the DP Camp there after (ID: 32021)
resident in the DP Camp there after liberation / [compiled by the Joodsche Coordinatie Commissie (= Comité ... Prepared by the Joodsche Coordinatie Commissie (=Comité juif hollandais) in Geneva, Switzerland (16 ... List of Jews from the Netherlands who were liberated from Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp or
45. Liste des Internes Civils Deportes en Allemagne et dont on est sans Nouvelles de L'Iseré. (ID: 32117)
59 after World War II. International Committee of the Red Cross filmed the records for the United States ... last name, first name and date of birth or age. The last name listed in handwritten. ... World War, 1939-1945 --Deportations from Germany --Registers. ... In Archives of the International Committee of the Red Cross (AICRC): Series G59.
46. Liste des Internes Civils Deportes en Allemagne et Dort on est Sans Nouvelles. (ID: 32115)
59 after World War II. International Committee of the Red Cross filmed the records for the United States ... World War, 1939-1945 --Deportations from Germany --Registers. ... In Archives of the International Committee of the Red Cross (AICRC): Series G59. ... International Committee of the Red Cross, Commission of Prisoners, Internees and Civilians
47. Liste des Internes Deportes dont on est sans Nouveles. (ID: 32116)
59 after World War II. International Committee of the Red Cross filmed the records for the United States ... World War, 1939-1945 --Deportations from Germany --Registers. ... In Archives of the International Committee of the Red Cross (AICRC): Series G59. ... International Committee of the Red Cross, Commission of Prisoners, Internees and Civilians
who had lived in Belgium as of the German invasion on May 10, 1940 who had then returned to Belgium ... after war's end by December 31, 1945, while a supplemental register lists ca. 400 persons who had ... The designation 'DR' in the convoy column indicates deportation from Drancy, a transit camp in France ... of returned deportees with the handwritten designation 'R' ('returned') in Serge Klarsfeld's 1982
49. LISTE OFFICIELLE ... DES DÉCÉDÉS DES CAMPS DE CONCENTRATION / République française, Ministère des anciens combattants et victimes (ID: 32001)
Compiled from the microfilm archives of the Central Tracing Bureau in Arolsen, Germany (now ... Six-volume series published by the French government of death lists of French victims in ... concentration camps. Also incudes several lists of those who survived the Holocaust but who died after ... liberation in camps such as Bergen-Belsen.
50. Lists of 151 prominent Austrian political figures, senior administrative and police officials as well as some Jewish businessmen sent (ID: 30594)
from Vienna to the concentration camp of Dachau in the so-called "First Prominent Austrians Transport ... street address, rail car number, occupation, and fate (where known). Many dates given in the latter ... the result of a post-War effort to account for the fates of those transported. ... Germany. Geheime Staatspolizei. Staatspolizeileitstelle Wien II D.
51. Lists of Jews deported from Eisenach, Germany in 1942. (ID: 33040)
later city of residence, and location after the War. ... Four alphabetical lists of Jews (204 names total) deported from Eisenach, Germany in 1942. Lists 1 ... generally giving information about other family members living in the town. List 3 gives birthdate and
translation of the work's list of Holocaust survivors titled "Gline Survivors After World War II" is found at ... (i.e. Israel, United States, Canada, Poland, Austria, Sweden, Germany and Chile) at the time of the ... An English translation project of this work is in progess as of May 2006 as: "The Scroll of Gline ... [New York] : Aroysgegeben fun der Glinyaner emoyrdzshensi relief komite in Nyu York
53. Neuzugänge vom 9. Dezember 1944: 530 weibl. Häftlinge vom KL Auschwitz nach Akdo Lippstadt (eingetroffen 30.8.1944). (ID: 30717)
to 1945, and the International Tracing Service in Arolsen, Germany received these records after World ... War II. Yad Vashem microfilmed the records about 1956. Survivors Registry Volunteer Peter Lande ... to Survivors Registry, which in turn gave them over to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives. ... Jewish women --Germany --Lippstadt --Registers.
54. Note concernant les Norvégiennes detenues dans les camps de concentration ou prisons en Allemagne. (ID: 32118)
and prisons in Germany. The first section is a list of Norwegian prisoners at Ravensbrück ... Note concerning the Norwegian detainees in the concentration camps or prisons in Germany. ... 59 after World War II. International Committee of the Red Cross filmed the records for the United States ... In Archives of the International Committee of the Red Cross (AICRC): Series G59.
55. PEOPLE FOUND IN HAMBURG compiled by the World Jewish Congress, British section : [S.l. (ID: 30833)
People found in Hamburg after the war. 18 pages. follow up at YIVO ... PEOPLE FOUND IN HAMBURG compiled by the World Jewish Congress, British section : [S.l. : World ... Hamburg (Germany)
56. RG11: Palestine (Mandatory) Government, Migration Department : names database. [Computer file] (ID: 33279)
Jewish refugees to Palestine from Nazi-occupied Europe as well as of Jewish DPs after the war. The time ... via email from USHMM IPD's Anatol Steck and placed in the USHMM Computer Network folder S:\DATA ... affidavits, in which the new arrivals recount their experiences. The official documents are often ... The database was commissioned by the German Bundesarchiv in 2003. It has 38,370 names of German
57. RG67: German Consulate in Palestine : names database. [Computer file] (ID: 33278)
after reaching Palestine. The names database for this collection was commissioned in 2002 by the ... USHMM IPD's Anatol Steck and placed in the USHMM Computer Network folder S:\DATA\REGLISTS\Israel State ... Although the records of the German Consulate of Palestine now held by the Israel State Archives in ... Jerusalem goes back to 1842, much of the material covers the immediate pre-War years 1933-1939. The
58. Typed forms written by the Gestapo Stettin in 1937 and 1941 relating to Jews who lived n Stettin and the surrounding area. (ID: 30816)
In 1945 the Red Army discovered a large collection of documents in Wilkanow, a village in Silesia ... Headquarters (RSHA). Members of the NKVD brought the material to Moscow and, in March 1946, they were ... established as a secret, non-public institution holding records of the Nazi Regime, World War II material
59. Uit Bergen-Belsen op 25 Januari 1945 aangekomen in Zwitserland, thans U.N.R.R.A. (ID: 31238)
in the UNNRA camp Jeanne d'Arc in Philippville, Algiers after the war. ... held elsewhere), and after arriving in Switzerland on January 25th, were then later placed in the ... Switzerland from Bergen-Belsen Germany on 25 Jan 1945 and were in the UNNRA camp Jeanne d'Arc in Philippville ... Algiers after the war.
60. Yizkor Book Translations. [Internet resource] (ID: 31958)
resettlement transports to Belzec extermination camp -- Germany (Country): The Reichsvereinigung der Juden in ... vojna, 1941-1945 : zbornik na... = The Jews in Macedonia During the Second World War (1941-1945 ... Kozienice; The birth and the destruction of a Jewish community -- Krakow, Poland: Jews who Lived in Germany ... Pamiati = Memorial book to the warriors, residents of Priluki who perished in the Great Fatherland War
61. LISTE concernant les enfants - presumes non-accompagnes - de nationalite polonaise nes apres le ler Octobre 38 in Allemagne (ID: 49087)
Title (In English): List concerning children - presumed to be unaccompanied - of Polish nationality born after October 1st, 1938 in Germany
1st, 1938 in Germany ... The names in this collection were made ... List concerning children - presumed to be unaccompanied - of Polish nationality born after October
62. LISTE concernant les enfants - presumes non-accompagnes de nationalite polonaise nes apres le ler Octobre 38 en Allemagne. (ID: 49092)
Title (In English): LIST concerning children - presumed unaccompanied and of Polish nationality after the 1st of October 1938 in Germany.
LIST concerning children - presumed unaccompanied and of Polish nationality after the 1st of ... October 1938 in Germany. ... The names in this collection were made ... Children and war
63. Liste der jüdischen Einwohner im Deutschen Reich 1933-1945 = List of Jewish Residents in Germany 1933-1945. [formerly titled: Residentenliste : Die Liste der jüdischen Einwohner im Deutschen Reich 1933-1945]. [Electronic resource] (ID: 32637)
Comprehensive database of Jews known to have been living in Germany during the Nazi period (1933 ... caught in another country) and "U" = not clear if Jewish or if resided in Germany after 1933. ... By order of the Federal Government of Germany, and in cooperation with the Foundation "Erinnerung