Norbert Freundlich
Father's Name:
Arthur Freundlich
Mother's Name:
Miela ...ähn
Date of Birth:
15 Jul 1924
Date of Arrest:
8 Apr 1943
Date of Arrival:
20 Apr 1943
Place of Birth:
Last Residence:
Primary Media:
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Häftlingspersonalbogen (prisoner registration forms) 1 through 331 for female prisoners at the women's camp at Auschwitz and Häftlingspersonalbogen 1 through 4,500 for male prisoners at the Auschwitz main camp. Each of the Häftlingspersonalbogen contains information about a particular Jew brought to Auschwitz from one of a number of locations in Europe, such as date of birth, place of birth, marital status, date of arrest, date of entry into the camp, nationality, occupation, religion, race, and physical appearance.