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Displaying 226250 of 271 matches for All Places: rohatyn; Accuracy: Exact; (Include geographic name variants)
226. Nagelberg, Izydor Isidor Isaak Leib (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
227. Nagelberg, Ben Zion Jehuda (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
228. Nagelberg, Frieda Freude (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
229. Oberhand, Nuchim Nachen Norbert (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
230. Offen, Taube (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
231. Akselrad, David Mechel (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
232. Alt, Chaja Chaje Gici Gize Klara (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
233. Baner, Josef (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
234. Baumrind, Benjamin Benzion Benno (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
235. Buchführer, Rosa (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
236. Brandstein, Moses Moritz (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
237. Brandwein, Regina (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
238. Bauer, Isi (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
239. Berger, Jacob (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
240. Bergwerk, Hilde Hilda (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
241. Waldmanowi, Leopoldowi
242. Perlmutter, Ewa
243. Rollera, Eljarza
244. Feusterowi, Mojzeszowi
245. Feldblum, Nuchim
247. Verschleisser, Zacharia
248. Grebler, Jakob
249. Józków, Anna
250. Adler, Blima