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33201. Caspari, Salomon (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33202. Caspari, Ursula
33203. Caspari, Valeria Valerie (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33204. Caspari, Valerie
33205. Caspari, Werner
33206. Caspari, Wilhelm
33207. Caspari, Wilhelm L. (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33208. Caspari, Wilhelm Louis Israel
33209. Casparins, Käthe
33210. Casparius, Erich (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33211. Casparius, Franzeska Sara
33212. Casparius, Franziska Franzisca (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33213. Casparius, Fritz (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33214. Casparius, Gertrud (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33215. Casparius, Heinz
33216. Casparius, Helene (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33217. Casparius, Heni Henny Henni (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33218. Casparius, Hilda (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33219. Casparius, Ingeborg (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33220. Casparius, Jeanette
33221. Casparius, Jeanette (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33222. Casparius, Julie (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33223. Casparius, Käte Käthe Kathe (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33224. Casparius, Kurt (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33225. Casparius, Louis (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33226. Casparius, Margarete Grete (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33227. Casparius, Martha (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33228. Casparius, Paul Karl (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33229. Casparius, Reisel Rosa (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33230. Casparius, Richard M. Rikhard (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33231. Casparius, Rutta Ruth (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33232. Casparius, Siegfried Zigfried (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33233. Casparius, Werner (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33234. Caspary, Adele (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33235. Caspary, Anna (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33236. Caspary, Anna (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33237. Caspary, Anna (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33238. Caspary, Anna S
33239. Caspary, Annemarie (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33240. Caspary, Anny (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33241. Caspary, Arthur (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33242. Caspary, Bruno (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33243. Caspary, Charlotte Lotte (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33244. Caspary, Cilla Zibora (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33245. Caspary, Curt (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33246. Caspary, Dora (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33247. Caspary, Eckehard Ekkehard Hugo (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33248. Caspary, Edith (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33249. Caspary, Ella
33250. Caspary, Ella (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33251. Caspary, Erika (Klein)
33252. Caspary, Erna (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33253. Caspary, Erna S
33254. Caspary, Georg
33255. Caspary, Georg (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33256. Caspary, Gertrud (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33257. Caspary, Gertrud Emilie (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33258. Caspary, Hedwig
33259. Caspary, Hedwig (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33260. Caspary, Hedwig (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33261. Caspary, Hedwig (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33262. Caspary, Heinz Joseph (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33263. Caspary, Henry (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33264. Caspary, Herbert (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33265. Caspary, Herbert (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33266. Caspary, Hilde Hilda (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33267. Caspary, Hugo
33268. Caspary, Hugo (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33269. Caspary, Irma (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33270. Caspary, Isidor Isaak Isaack (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33271. Caspary, Jenny (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33272. Caspary, Johanna (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33273. Caspary, Johanna (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33274. Caspary, Karl-Heinz (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33275. Caspary, Klara Clara Rosalie (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33276. Caspary, Leopold (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33277. CASPARY, Lina
33278. Caspary, Lina (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33279. Caspary, Louis (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33280. Caspary, Margarete Margerethe Gretchen (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33281. Caspary, Margarethe (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33282. Caspary, Martha (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33283. Caspary, Martin Isaak Hermann (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33284. Caspary, Martin Moritz (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33285. Caspary, Max (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33286. Caspary, Max (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33287. Caspary, Michaelis Michael (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33288. Caspary, Minna (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33289. Caspary, Moritz (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33290. Caspary, Paula (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33291. Caspary, Paula (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33292. Caspary, Rosalie Lieselotte Lilo (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33293. Caspary, Röschen Rosa Rosi (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33294. Caspary, Rosel (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33295. Caspary, Rudolf (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33296. Caspary, Ruth (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33297. Caspary, Sally (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33298. Caspary, Sara (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33299. Caspary, Wanda (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33300. Caspary, Wolfgang (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33301. Casper, Adolf (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33302. Casper, Agnes (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33303. Casper, Albert (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33304. CASPER, Alexandra
33305. Casper, Alexandra Alexandrine (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33306. Casper, Alfred
33307. Casper, Amalie (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33308. Casper, Anna (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33309. Casper, Berl (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33310. Casper, Bernhard (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33311. Casper, Bertha (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33312. Casper, Betty (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33313. Casper, Betty (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33314. Casper, Charlotte (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33315. Casper, Clara Klara (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33316. Casper, Dora Dorothea (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33317. Casper, Doris (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33318. Casper, Edith (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33319. Casper, Eduard (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33320. Casper, Ella (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33321. Casper, Erna (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33322. Casper, Eva (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33323. Casper, Fanni Fanny (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33324. Casper, Gerda (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33325. Casper, Hanne Hanna (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33326. Casper, Hans (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33327. Casper, Helene Lene (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33328. Casper, Hildegard (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33329. Casper, Horst (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33330. Casper, Irene Alma (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33331. Casper, Johanna (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33332. Casper, Johanna (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33333. Casper, Johanna (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33334. Casper, Josef (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33335. Casper, Joseph
33336. Casper, Judis (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33337. Casper, Karl Carl Markus (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33338. Casper, Klaus (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33339. Casper, Leonie (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33340. Casper, Leopold (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33341. Casper, Louis (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33342. Casper, Margarete (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33343. Casper, Margarete (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33344. Casper, Marie (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33345. Casper, Marie S
33346. Casper, Marta Martha (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33347. Casper, Martin (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33348. Casper, Max (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33349. Casper, Max (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33350. Casper, Otto (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33351. Casper, Paula (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33352. Casper, Pauline (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33353. Casper, Pinkus (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33354. Casper, Rudolf
33355. Casper, Rudolf (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33356. Casper, Ruth (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33357. Casper, Ruth (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33358. Casper, Sally (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33359. Casper, Sally (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33360. Casper, Siegfried (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33361. Casper, Siegfried (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33362. Casper, Walter (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33363. Casper, Wolfgang Martin (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33364. Casper, Zerline (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33365. Cassel, Alex Alexander (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33366. Cassel, Alfred (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33367. Cassel, Alfred (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33368. Cassel, Anna
33369. Cassel, Arno Martin (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33370. Cassel, Arthur I
33371. Cassel, Artur Arthur (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33372. Cassel, Benjamin (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33373. Cassel, Bernhard (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33374. Cassel, Betty (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33375. Cassel, Betty (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33376. Cassel, Edith Dorothea (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33377. Cassel, Else
33378. Cassel, Else Esther (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33379. Cassel, Emilie (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33380. Cassel, Emma
33381. Cassel, Emma Emmy Emmi (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33382. CASSEL, Erna
33383. Cassel, Ernestine (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33384. Cassel, Flora (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33385. Cassel, Guenter
33386. Cassel, Hanna
33387. CASSEL, Hans
33388. Cassel, Hedwig Schewa (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33389. Cassel, Heinz (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33390. Cassel, Henriette
33391. Cassel, Henriette (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33392. Cassel, Herbert (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33393. Cassel, Hulda
33394. Cassel, Isidor
33395. Cassel, Isidor
33396. Cassel, Isidor
33397. CASSEL, Isidor
33398. Cassel, Kurt
33399. Cassel, Leo (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
33400. Cassel, Leopold (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)