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Displaying 270,001270,200 of 271,240 matches for All Fields: germany
270001. Zisovic, Helen
270002. ZISSMAN, Guta
270003. ZISSMAN, Lejb
270004. Zitko, Clarissa Lepscha (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270005. Zitko, Theodor (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270006. Zitler, Szepsel
270007. Zitokowitz, Paula
270008. Zitrin, Alfred (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270009. Zitrin, Berta (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270010. Zitrin, Charlotte (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270011. Zitrin, Leo
270012. Zitrin, Leo (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270013. Zitrin, Martin (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270014. Zitrin, Rachel (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270015. Zitron, Charlotte
270016. Zitron, Charlotte
270017. Zittel, Johanna
270018. Zitter, Paula (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270019. Zitter, Rosa (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270020. Zitter, Sara (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270021. ZITTHAUER, Katchen
270022. Zittwitz, Betti (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270023. Zittwitz, Johanna (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270024. Zittwitz, Julius (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270025. Zittwitz, Wolf Günter (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270026. Zitwitz, Johanna
270027. ZITZELSBERGER, Georg
270028. Ziv, Havah Ben
270029. Ziv, ´idah
270030. Zivi, Cary Cany Charry (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270031. Zivi, Eugen Eugene (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270032. Zivi, Helene (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270033. Zivi, Herbert Jakob (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270034. Zivi, Josef (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270035. Zivi, Joseph (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270036. Zivi, Karoline Lina (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270037. Zivi, Lisa Elisabeth Lina (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270038. Zivi, Mathilde (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270039. Zivi, Mathilde (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270040. Zivi, Mathilde (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270041. Zivi, Rosa Rose (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270042. Zivic, Arthur
270043. Zivier, Johanna (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270044. Zivkovic, Rade
270045. Zivy, Hilde (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270046. Ziwi, Marcel (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270047. Ziwiakowski, Benjamin
270048. Zizemsky, Leibl
270049. Zizovitsova, Roszi
270050. Zjablizew, Nikolaj
270051. Zjalenka, Andrej
270052. Zlatkin, Nina
270053. Zlatkin, Ralph
270054. Zlatkoff, Dorothy
270055. Zlatner, Lea (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270056. Zlatner, Terese
270057. Zlatogorsky, Grina (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270058. Zlociak, Chaim (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270059. Zlocisti, Wally (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270060. Zlocisti, Wolf (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270061. Zlocisty, Agnes (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270062. Zlocisty, Jeanette (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270063. Zloczewska, Elfriede
270064. Zloczewska, Ingeborg
270066. Zloczewski, Amalia (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270067. Zloczewski, Elfriede Fradel (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270068. Zloczewski, Gerson (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270069. ZLOCZEWSKI, Henoch
270070. Złoczewski, Ingeborg
270071. ZLOCZEWSKI, Izchok
270072. Zloczewski, Majer Szlama (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270073. Zloczewski, Zalma Zalman Salomon (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270074. Zloczower, Betti (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270075. Zloczower, Chaim (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270076. Zloczower, Charlotte (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270077. Zloczower, Edith (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270078. Zloczower, Emanuel (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270079. Zloczower, Emanuel I
270080. Zloczower, Ettel (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270081. Zloczower, Gittel S
270082. Zloczower, Heinrich (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270083. Zloczower, Klara Sara (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270084. Zloczower, Lea Esther Estera (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270085. Zloczower, Paulina (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270086. Zloczower, Pauline S
270087. Zloczower, Thea (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270088. Zloczower, Thea S
270089. Zloczower, Wolf (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270090. Zloczower, Wolf I
270091. Zloczysti, Max (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270092. Zlonicka, Touba
270093. Zlonicki, Ida
270094. Zlotabroda, Tina (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270095. Zlotagusky, Eliahu
270096. Zloting, Cinia
270097. Zlotnicka, Bella (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270098. Zlotnicki, Ascher Majer Meier Uszer Meyer (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270099. Zlotnicki, Dina (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270100. Zlotnicki, Erich (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270101. Zlotnicki, Herta (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270102. Zlotnicki, Ida (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270103. Zlotnicki, Lucia (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270104. Zlotnicki, Nathan (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270105. Zlotnicki, Therese (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270106. ZLOTNIK, Abram Schmul
270107. Zlotnik, Anna (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270109. Zlotnik, Josef
270110. Zlotnik, Joseph (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270111. Zlotnik, Mikhail
270112. Zlotnik, Nechama
270113. ZLOTNIK, Zenon
270114. Zlotnitzki, Hans (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270115. Zlotnitzki, Irmgard (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270116. Zlotnitzki, Jakob Jacob (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270117. Zlotnitzki, Johanna (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270118. Zlotnitzki, Martin (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270119. Zlotnitzki, Sara (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270120. ZLOTO, Hela
270121. ZLOTO, Jicchok
270122. ZLOTO, Lea
270123. ZLOTO, Sara
270124. ZLOTO, Zila
270125. Zlotogorski, M.
270126. Zlotogorski, Miriam (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270127. Zlotogurski, Marion
270128. ZLOTYKAMIEN, Arje
270130. ZLOTYKAMIEN, Chawa
270131. ZLOTYKAMIEN, Hersz
270132. Zlotzisty, Claude
270133. Zlowski, Baruch (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270134. Zlowski, Erna (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270135. Zlý, Oldřich
270136. Zlý, Oldřich
270137. Zmeskalová, Stella
270138. Żmidek,
270139. Żmidek, Gucia
270140. Zmigrod, Cerla Szyfra Szifra (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270141. Zmigrod, Leja Lola (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270142. Zmigrod, Renate Frieda Gitla (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270143. Zmigrod, Tobiasch Tobiasz Tobias Hersch Teo (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270144. Zmijewski, Franz (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270146. Zmorowski, Karoline (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270147. Zmuda, Jozef
270148. Zmyalary, Waclaw
270149. Znamirowska, Tenchim
270150. Znamirowski, Jozef
270151. Znamirowski, Teddy
270152. Znojek, Genowefa
270153. Zobel, Berta (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270154. Zobel, Bianca (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270155. Zobel, Clara Klara (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270156. Zobel, Edith Editha (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270157. Zobel, Erna (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270158. Zobel, Ethel Yvonne (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270159. Zobel, Friderike Friederike (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270160. Zobel, Fritz (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270161. Zobel, Fritz (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270162. Zobel, Gertrud (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270163. Zobel, Helmut (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270164. Zobel, Hildegard (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270165. Zobel, Irene Irma Irmgard (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270166. Zobel, Ita Itka Rebeka Rebekka (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270167. Zobel, Jakob Jacob (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270168. Zobel, Johanna (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270169. Zobel, Johanna (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270170. Zobel, Johanna Joanna (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270171. Zobel, Julius (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270172. Zobel, Karl Reinhold
270173. Zobel, Leonie (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270174. Zobel, Margarete (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270175. Zobel, Marion (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270176. Zobel, Max (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270177. Zobel, Max (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270178. Zobel, Max Mose (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270179. Zobel, Rosa (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270180. Zobel, Sofie Sophie (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270181. Zóber, Magda
270182. Zoberman, Brenda
270183. Zoberman, Fela
270184. ZOBERMANN, Szloma
270185. Zobruska, Stephania
270186. Zochel, Ella
270187. Zochowska, Karolina
270188. Zochowski, Stanley
270189. Zoddel, Erich
270190. Zodick, Adolf (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270191. Zodick, Emanuel
270192. Zodick, Emanuel (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270193. Zodick, Emilie E. (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270194. Zodick, Frieda (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270195. Zodick, Hedwig (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270196. Zodick, Kurt (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270197. Zodick, Ruth (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270198. Zodick, Siegmund (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270199. Zodrow, Sophie (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
270200. Zodykow, Bella (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)