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269601. Zilversmit, Sophia Sophie (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269602. Zilversmit, Ulrike (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269603. Zilversmit, Walter
269604. Zilversmit, Wilhelm (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269605. Zimack, Pauline (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269606. Zimak, Helene (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269607. Zimak, Otto (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269608. Zimand, Gerald
269609. Zimbal, Wassili
269610. Zimbler, Alfred (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269611. Zimbler, Chaim Esra (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269612. Zimbler, Dora (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269613. Zimbler, Florentine Flora (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269614. Zimbler, Frieda (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269615. Zimbler, Gisela (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269616. Zimbler, Gitel
269617. Zimbler, Gittel (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269618. Zimbler, Hanny (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269619. Zimbler, Malka
269620. Zimbler, Markus (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269621. Zimbler, Willi Willy (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269622. Zimbler-Fiedler, Malka (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269623. Zimche, Adolf (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269624. Zimche, Auguste (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269625. Zimche, Berthold (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269626. Zimche, Ernst
269627. Zimche, Ernst (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269628. Zimche, Rosa Roeschen (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269629. Zimche, Sophie Sofie (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269630. Zimels, Max (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269631. Zimels, Wilhelm Wolf (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269632. Zimens, Rene
269633. Zimenstark, Frymeta (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269634. Ziment, Bela
269635. Zimerman, Carlos
269636. Zimerman, Kasriel
269637. Zimerman, Rosa
269638. Zimerman, Zila
269641. Zimet, Anna (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269642. Zimet, Artur (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269643. Zimet, Chaim Hermann Hirsch (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269644. Zimet, Gidel
269645. Zimet, Gisela Gelle (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269646. Zimet, Herbert (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269647. Zimet, Ilona (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269648. Zimet, Ilona S
269649. Zimet, Martha (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269650. Zimet, Minna (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269651. Zimet, Minna (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269652. Zimet, Minna Mindel (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269653. Zimet, Pinkas (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269654. Zimet, Sabine Sabina (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269655. Zimet, Sala
269656. Zimet, Sindel (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269657. Zimet, Wolf David (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269658. Zimm, Alan
269659. Zimm, Helen
269660. Zimmak, Denny (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269661. Zimmak, Else (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269662. Zimmer, Abraham Adolf Isak (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269663. Zimmer, Albert (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269664. Zimmer, Alexander
269665. Zimmer, Alexander (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269666. Zimmer, Alexander
269667. Zimmer, Anna (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269668. Zimmer, Bernhard (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269669. Zimmer, Bertha
269670. Zimmer, Betty Blümle (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269671. Zimmer, Chaim Chajim Joachim (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269672. Zimmer, Claire
269673. Zimmer, David Paul (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269674. Zimmer, Erwin (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269675. Zimmer, Eva (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269676. Zimmer, Frieda (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269677. Zimmer, Gela (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269678. Zimmer, Ilse (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269679. Zimmer, Ilse (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269680. Zimmer, Jenny (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269681. Zimmer, Josef Wolf (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269682. Zimmer, Leo (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269683. Zimmer, Lioba Lieba (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269684. Zimmer, Lucia (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269685. Zimmer, Martha (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269686. Zimmer, Menki (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269687. Zimmer, Moritz (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269688. Zimmer, Moritz Moses (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269689. Zimmer, Naftali (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269690. Zimmer, Regina
269691. Zimmer, Salli (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269692. Zimmering, Adolf (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269693. Zimmerlich, Friedrich Wilhelm (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269694. Zimmerling, Hertha (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269695. Zimmerman, Abraham
269696. Zimmerman, Betty
269697. Zimmerman, Ellen
269698. Zimmerman, Frances
269699. Zimmerman, Helen
269700. Zimmerman, Herman
269701. Zimmerman, Israel
269702. Zimmerman, Jack
269703. Zimmerman, Rose
269704. Zimmerman, Szaja (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269705. Zimmerman, Toby
269706. Zimmerman, Wolf
269707. Zimmerman, Ziga
269708. Zimmerman-Lehrer, Rachel
269709. ZIMMERMANN, Adolf
269710. Zimmermann, Alice Johanna (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269711. Zimmermann, Anna
269712. Zimmermann, Anna
269713. Zimmermann, Anna (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269714. Zimmermann, Anna (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269715. Zimmermann, Arthur Artur (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269716. Zimmermann, Bernhard (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269717. Zimmermann, Bernhard (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269718. Zimmermann, Eleonore Regina (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269719. Zimmermann, Elisabeth Else (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269720. Zimmermann, Ellen
269721. Zimmermann, Elsa Else (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269722. Zimmermann, Else S.
269723. Zimmermann, Emma (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269724. Zimmermann, Ernestine Ernestina (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269725. Zimmermann, Eugenie Hanna (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269726. Zimmermann, Ewa (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269727. Zimmermann, Fanny (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269728. Zimmermann, Flora
269729. Zimmermann, Flora (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269730. Zimmermann, Flora (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269731. ZIMMERMANN, Franz
269732. Zimmermann, Friedrich (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269733. Zimmermann, Friedrich Wilhelm
269734. Zimmermann, Gittel (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269735. Zimmermann, Hanna
269736. Zimmermann, Helene (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269737. Zimmermann, Hella
269738. Zimmermann, Henriette (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269739. Zimmermann, Hermann (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269740. Zimmermann, Hildegard Wilhelmine (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269741. Zimmermann, Hirsch
269742. Zimmermann, Hirsch (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269743. Zimmermann, Horst Erich (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269744. Zimmermann, Irene
269745. Zimmermann, Israel Mendel (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269746. Zimmermann, Jacob
269747. Zimmermann, Jacob
269748. Zimmermann, Jacob Jakob Jacub Meilech (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269749. Zimmermann, Jean
269750. Zimmermann, Jeanine
269751. Zimmermann, Jonas Joel (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269752. Zimmermann, Josef (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269753. Zimmermann, Karl
269754. Zimmermann, Lea
269755. Zimmermann, Leo (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269756. Zimmermann, Lina Liba Nacha Liese (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269757. Zimmermann, Maria Miriam Mariem (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269758. Zimmermann, Mathel Thilde Tilde (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269759. Zimmermann, Mathilde
269760. Zimmermann, Max
269761. Zimmermann, Max (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269762. Zimmermann, Moses Mosch Moshe (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269763. Zimmermann, Olga (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269764. Zimmermann, Oscar (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269765. Zimmermann, Osias (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269766. Zimmermann, Ottilie (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269767. Zimmermann, Paula Pessa (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269768. Zimmermann, Pauline Paula (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269769. Zimmermann, Rachella (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269770. Zimmermann, Rosa (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269771. ZIMMERMANN, Rywka
269772. Zimmermann, Salomon (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269773. Zimmermann, Salomon (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269774. Zimmermann, Selma (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269775. ZIMMERMANN, Sophie
269776. ZIMMERMANN, Susi
269777. ZIMMERMANN, Wilhelm
269778. Zimmermann, Wilhelm (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269779. Zimmermann-Landau, Bronia
269780. Zimmermanova, Aranka
269781. Zimmern, Anna (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269782. Zimmern, Babette (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269783. Zimmern, David (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269784. Zimmern, Fanny (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269785. Zimmern, Heinrich (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269786. Zimmern, Hermine (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269787. Zimmern, Hugo (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269788. Zimmern, Leopold (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269789. Zimmern, Lydia Sophia (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269790. Zimmern, Mozes Moses Benjamin (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269791. Zimmern, Rolf Leopold (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269792. ZIMMERN, Sofia
269793. Zimmern, Thekla (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269794. Zimmerspitz, Chaskel
269795. Zimmerspitz, Chaskel Chaskiel Heinrich (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269796. Zimmerspitz, Fanny
269797. Zimmerspitz, Fanny
269798. Zimmerspitz, Fanny (View the record on the Das Bundesarchiv Memorial Book’s website)
269799. Zimmerspitz, Kurt
269800. Zimmerspitz, Samuel