Special Focus
International Holocaust Remembrance Day

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Robert F Savio
January 26, 2007 02:56 PM

The Holocaust is slowly being pushed OUT of the minds of our young genetrations in the united States. Schools only briefly touch upon the subject and no in depth research is offered or encouraged in many schools. It is imperatuive that this subject be kept alive and in the forefront of world issues. There was too much sweeping it under the rug in Poland, Germany and many Eastern European nations in the 1930's thru the late 1940's. We must NEVER forget and we must NEVER accept the apathy of the nay sayers.
Jerry Meents
January 26, 2007 02:04 PM

It is great that there is a Holocaust rememberance day and I am very gratfull.
But I live every day with the pain of the Holocaust.
More than half of my family was murdered in Sobibor and Auschwitz.
All the children from my school and 98% of all the people of my neighborhood were also muderd there.
I only escaped because I was a socalled half Jew first class, a German invented title.
I will light a candle in memory of my Grand Father who was 70 year old when he was murdered all the other family members and all the people I was suppose to grow up with
but were taken from me.
January 26, 2007 01:44 PM

I was twice in Auschwitz, to honour the victims of the Shoah. There I saw the material proofs of the holocaust. I will never forget and will do as much as possible to fight against denial.
Michael Polek
January 26, 2007 01:21 PM

There isn't a day in which the abysmal dimension of my affective consciousness doesn't bow to the memory of the judaic victims of the Shoah,resurrecting nostalgic images of the Yiddishlands of Eastern Europe,of the masses of people gathering around the temples, and forming in evanescent lines Maghen David above the topograpy of the old continent.
For all my beloved jews that wrestled against the ocean of darkness but not enough, silently stepped into it,resigned while crying desperately,or assumed it by defying its monstrous fatality, i donate myself and my vitality to their cause, sensing that still doesn't suffice!
January 26, 2007 01:07 PM

I will light a candle in the memory of all the brave surviors and those who fought against the injustice and died. May every house have a candle that flickers late in the night -- the night signifying the pain and suffering injustice, and the candle the ray of hope that will allow us to never forget and consciously fight anything remotely similar to what happened what seems, only yesterday. Our prayers are with the survivors and their family and friends. You will NEVER be forgotten. And that's a promise.
Monika Witalis - Malinowska
January 26, 2007 01:05 PM

I do think that every man has an obligation to honor the memory of Holocaust victims. In my work - I am a teacher from Krak?w, Poland, close to the former KL. Auschwitz - Birkenau - I try to develop educational programs. I beleieve that it's a way of preventing future acts of genocide.
M. Buchberger
January 26, 2007 01:02 PM

My uncle was arrested by the Gestapo in Hericourt, France. He was the pastor of a Catholic church there and preached agains the Third Reich, as well as work witn an underground group to help Jews escape. The Gestapo took him to a forced labor camp underground in Haslach, Germany, where he suffered a lot. In 1945, he was liberated and returned to France. Due to his capitivity, he was ill and eventually succombed to Parkinsons in 1968. His name of Alexis Dechaux. When the head of the camp. Walter Mendel, was arrested and sent to Marseille to stand trial, he wrote to my uncle and asked for foregiveness. My uncle did foregive him. Walter Mendel was shot after having been found guilty of crimes against humanity at the camp. Haslach had three camps. My uncle was in one of the worst, because he was forced to live and work underground. The facilities were not even human, and there was dampness, filth and mud everywhere. They slept on wooden planks just to keep from sleeping in the mud. Many dies of lung disease. The food was disgusting, and my uncle was often tormented and mistreated. Twice he was told he would be shot. Thank the Merciful God, he was spared and was able to return home to live a longer life in the service of the Church and to be there as an example for the rest of us. He was awarded France's pretisgious "Medaille de la Legions d'Honneur" and became a "Chevalier".
(medal of the legion of Honneur).

May God rest his soul and give him eternal joy.

There are still survivors of this camp left. This year in July, they will be meeting again in Haslach, Germany at a monument erected by a Germany teacher who had done a lot to educate his students about the atrosities of the times. This reunion dwindles each year as more and more of our brave survivors die. One of the survivors is an American Soldier. We should never forget, never allow another such abomination to occur.
Harriet Cuddy
January 26, 2007 12:49 PM

I light this candle in remembrance of all of the innocent victims of the atrocities of the Holocaust. I pray that we will never forget nor allow others to deny or forget that this terrible event took place. It is our job to keep their memory alive!
Haran Brucker
January 26, 2007 12:29 PM

This is going to be my first year which I light a candle. My family and I will light our candle in remembrance of the six million brethren that were not killed, but brutally murdered by the Nazis.

My father is a holocaust survivor and I think it is very important to note how survivors of the holocaust who came to the USA with nothing have made families, legacies, have built themselves up financially laid roots for future generations. It is important to believe and understand nothing can destroy you as long as you continue to focus on family, education, Chesed, Tzedakah and being a good person and of course have continued faith in Hashem!!
Kathryn Wood
January 26, 2007 12:17 PM

I will not only honor the people i will remeber all who died in all the wars.
In thesedar days Six Million lost there lives.

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