Holocaust Encyclopedia (WLC)

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Lydia Mancini
March 06, 2010 05:17 AM

This has always disturbed me!! I feel no pain for any nazi for what they have done nor forgiveness. To take life any life is a crime.I hope and pray that those who survived this horrible deed can find comfort and inner peace
March 01, 2010 01:54 PM

I'm a 7th grader doing a project on the Holocaust. This website is very helpful. Thank-you!
February 25, 2010 12:30 PM

Thanks for the great info.
It really helped my 8th grade project. (:
Wendell Meggs
February 22, 2010 04:26 PM

A note for ADAM KELLERMAN: YOU POSTED A NOTE sometime back about your grandfather who was in Co. K of 273rd, and who was killed 7 April 1945. I was the medic there when he was killed and would be glad to answer anything I can if you are still interested.
February 18, 2010 03:28 PM

When I look at these pictures it`s heartbreaking. I`m learning about the Holocaust in my class, and this is helping me understand it more than I ever could. Thank you
gowri shanker
February 18, 2010 12:29 PM

This is something everyone has heard but going through the experiences and the terror people faced due to Nazi makes me wonder what a human can do to another human. A lesson never to be forgotten by the mankind forever and ever.But still such things are happening in our world. Terrible.
February 17, 2010 05:38 AM

I recently watched "The Boy In The Striped Pijamas" which was such a moveing film about the holocaust. I was shocked at what happend to the jews.It made me sick just thinking about how many people were killed and tortured , it wasnt evan that long ago!
Lucinda Murray,11
Terry Retter
February 11, 2010 10:26 AM

I am humbled by the tales of stoicism and strength of character so obvious in the stories of those surviving the ghettos. They of course tell only a fraction of the whole story where whole generations of families were exterminated
I was born in 1942 in a village in England, my only privation,rationing, which, so we were told later made the population as a whole, healthier than in the post 1950 years.As I half jokingly tell my children/granchildren 'we were poor, but we were happy'... but what do I know about life.Sites like yours gives us the chance to reflect.... and to give thanks for the good in people,

thank you
February 09, 2010 02:47 PM

Im in 6th grade and we are reading a book about the holocaust.It is called Number the Stars. By the way the name of my school is Alexandria Middle Magnet.I enjoyed talking about the Holocaust, it was very mean what Hitler did to those millions of Jews.WHen i read about i was astonished. And last i would like to say please donate to Haiti they need all the help they can get from the EArthquake
Evelyn Varady
February 04, 2010 11:58 AM

I'm working on a biography of my mother who was a Polish Jewish survivor and her family. They were from Krakow and were there during the German occupation. I would like to know if you have any memoirs or interviews with people from Krakow who were eyewitnesses to the beginning of the war. My mother and her family got into cars and were driven to Rovne at the start of the war. I would like to know more about the route and occurances along the way. Thank you for any info you may have.

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