but Free Americans Can Still Read Them
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Fighting the fires of hate: America and the Nazi Book Burnings

found 28 stories · showing stories 1 – 10

Immediate American Responses
The Nazi book burnings were an attempt to restrict the German reading public's free access to ideas. Share your thoughts on why Americans were concerned about this event beyond their borders.
(28 postings)

Katelyn Ramberg I believe that Americans did not think it was right for the Germans to be burning books or burning what they didn't believe in.
I believe that Americans did not think it was right for the Germans to be burning books or burning what they didn't believe in., September 24, 2010 11:12 AM
Hannah B I think that people were worried because they didn't want book burnings to occur in the States.
September 24, 2010 11:05 AM
Alesha I think that by burning the books, the Nazis could control on what to believe in, and what would be true. The Americans could teel anyone anything on what happened in that point in history.
I think that by burning the books, the Nazis could control on what to believe in, and what would be true. The Americans could teel anyone anything on what happened in that point in history., September 24, 2010 10:48 AM
hunter "the @#!!!!" mattison when the nazis burn the books they control what the germans read and learn about.
September 23, 2010 02:46 PM
Hunter Haas They were concerned about this because they didnt want that happening in there country.
September 23, 2010 01:17 PM
Amanda D I think they were concered because we didn't want it to happen here in America.
I think they were concered because we didn't want it to happen here in America., September 23, 2010 01:13 PM
cheyenne The Nazis burning the books gave them the advantage of controlling and keeping track of what Germans read about, learned about, and had more and more knowledge about. They would have more control over politics, law, and truth against the people.
September 23, 2010 01:10 PM
Devyn M Americans were concerned because everyone should be able to have their own opinion and they didn't want it to happen in our country.
Americans were concerned because everyone should be able to have their own opinion and they didn't want it to happen in our country., September 23, 2010 01:07 PM
Katie Gralish I think it concerned us because we were scared of it or something like it happening here. And the event of it was such a major and scary thing.
September 23, 2010 01:02 PM
Nathan Braski The Nazis burned the non-German books so the Germans would believe only what the Nazis said. The Nazis could brainwash the Germans by writing whatever they wanted the Germans to believe.
September 23, 2010 01:01 PM

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