Candles and flags of the liberating divisions have featured prominently in the Museum's Days of Remembrance ceremonies at the US Capitol. Carl Cox for US Holocaust Memorial Museum
The Museum leads the nation in observing Days of Remembrance, established by the US Congress as the country’s annual Holocaust commemoration. Join our nation and a global community to honor Holocaust survivors, remember the six million Jews murdered, and pay tribute to American soldiers who liberated victims.
Despite a year when they faced loss and isolation, Holocaust survivors continue to rise to the challenge of educating by sharing their experiences, compelling us to confront an alarming rise in antisemitism, Holocaust denial, and extremist ideology. Their resilience and courage inspire us to create a better future than the past.
This year’s commemoration will feature remarks from US Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken, who has spoken of the importance of Holocaust remembrance and the personal impact of his family’s experience. His stepfather survived the Holocaust after several years
in Auschwitz and other camps, was liberated by American soldiers, and immigrated to the United States.
After the live broadcast, the recording will be available to watch on demand on the Museum's YouTube page.