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Dr. Barbara Glück

Ben and Zelda Cohen Fellowship
“Biographies of Former Prisoners at Mauthausen and its Subcamps”

Professional Background

Dr. Barbara Glück is Director, Mauthausen Memorial (Austria). She earned PhDs in both History and Political Science from the University of Vienna in 2002 and 2003, respectively. Dr. Glück speaks both English and French fluently. As director of the Mauthausen Memorial, she is part of the Department Head Memorials and War Graves Commission of Austria’s Ministry of the Interior, which is responsible for all war memorials, war graves, and war cemeteries in Austria. Her recent lectures include: “Site and Commemoration” at the Mauthausen Memorial, Vienna, 2012; “Historical Exhibitions” at the Mauthausen Memorial, Vienna, 2011; and “The Renewing Process of the Mauthausen Memorial” at Orte-Dinge-Spuren, Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin, 2011. While in residence in the Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, Dr. Glück conducted research on her project entitled “Biographies of Former Prisoners at Mauthausen and its Subcamps.”

Dr. Glück has several published works to her credit. Books co-authored or edited include: Ungarn in Mauthausen. Ungarische Häftinge in SS--‐Lagernauf dem Territorium Österreichs (2006); Vernichtungslager Gusen. Übersetzung von Joanna Ziemska (Vienna: BMI, 2007); Das KZ-­‐Aussenlager St. Valentin (Vienna: BMI, 2009); and Francisco Boix, der Fotograf von Mauthausen (Vienna: BMI, 2007). Dr. Glück also authored the article “The Redesign of the Mauthausen Memorial” which was published in Die Dachauer Hefte by Wolfgang Benz and Barbara Distel (Munich: 2009).

Fellowship Research

For her Ben and Zelda Cohen Fellowship Dr. Glück used the vast collection of sources relating to the Mauthausen concentration camp found at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Dr. Glück was especially interested in any recorded interviews with former prisoners held at Mauthausen or one of its subcamps. Unfortunately, the Mauthausen Memorial’s archive only has about one-hundred taped interviews. Historians have largely ignored oral histories on the Holocaust in Austria since the 1970s very few survivor interviews have occurred since then. Dr. Glück intends to build a comprehensive database of sources and interviews in order to better educate visitors of the Mauthausen Memorial and to better understand the workings of the Holocaust in Austria, especially Mauthausen and its subcamps.

Dr. Barbara Glück was in residence in the center from January 1 to June 30, 2014.