Student Profile: Ela Feferman

Gender: girl
School: School #4A

RESEARCH CONDUCTED BY: mgsmallman Advanced Researcher
Stage 1: Identity
Student's Given Name:
Ela Paperman
Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Birth Date:
Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Ghetto Street Address:
Inselstrasse, 29, 1A
Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Spinlin, 169
Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
User Comments:

Using the DM Soundex tool, I was able to connect the last name Feferman to an Ela Paperman, who was born in 1932 (the right age for her school.) No other results that came up came with an exact first name match.

Approver Comments:
I agree that this is the best match for this name. The Yiddish/Hebrew characters for P and F are almost identical, so it is likely that this is indeed the person who signed this name in the album. Have you found any other information in the next stages?
Stage 2: The Ghetto
Father's Name:
Abram Paperman
Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Mother's Name:
Jochwet Paperman
Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Sibling's Names:
Hala Paperman
Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Birth Date:
Lodz Ghetto Work Identification Cards
Registered for Work:
Lodz Ghetto Labor Cards
Death Date:
Lodz Ghetto Work Identification Cards
Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Worker #:
Lodz Ghetto Work Identification Cards
Employed at:
Tricotagen Abteilung (Tricotagen Department), Sulzfelderstrasse
Lodz Ghetto Work Identification Cards
User Comments:

Much of this information was obtained from Ela Paperman's work identification card, although some of the information differed slightly (off by a year or by a couple of days) from the information in the Lodz Ghetto identification database.

According to Ela Paperman's Lodz Ghetto inhabitants record, she died on May 30th, 1944, although the reason is not given.

I believe I have found a possible father (Abram, b. 1904), mother (Jochewet, b. 1894), and sibling (Hala, b. 1936) for Ela. All lived at the same two addresses as Ela.

Approver Comments:
Thank you for adding this information to her record. It is sad that she survived so long and outlasted many of the major deportations, only to die in the ghetto in the spring of 1944. Thank you for helping to complete Ela's record.
Stage 3: Labor Camps
No research performed on this stage
Stage 4: Auschwitz & Beyond
No research performed on this stage
Stage 5: Liberation & After
No research performed on this stage