Student Profile: Lea Antygnus

Gender: girl
School: School #9B

Stage 1: Identity
Student's Given Name:
Laja Antygnus
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 11/18/2013; Confirmed | Researcher: ldlugi8
Lea Antygnus
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 11/18/2013; Confirmed | Researcher: ldlugi8
Birth Date:
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 11/18/2013; Confirmed | Researcher: ldlugi8
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 11/18/2013; Confirmed | Researcher: ldlugi8
Ghetto Street Address:
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 11/18/2013; Confirmed | Researcher: ldlugi8
Hohensteinstrasse, 14, 8
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 11/18/2013; Confirmed | Researcher: ldlugi8
User Comment:
I noted one of Lea's Ghetto addresses is not listed (ZAWADZKA 7). I also found a Laja Antygnus, whom I believe could be Lea (with a different spelling). However, I also noted both girls were born on different months, though they are born the same year and day.
Expert Reviewer Comment:
I believe you've found the correct student. I really think that they are both the same girl given the similarities in their addresses and birthdates. I look forward to seeing what you find in the next stages. Good Luck and good job!
Approver Comment:
I agree that you have found the person who signed this name in the album. Thank you for listing both spellings of her first name. Best of luck in the next stages.


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Stage 2: The Ghetto
Father's Name:
Bonieh Chemja Antygnus
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 11/18/2013; Possible | Researcher: ldlugi8
Mother's Name:
Chewa Antygnus
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 11/18/2013; Possible | Researcher: ldlugi8
Szejwa Antygnus
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 11/18/2013; Possible | Researcher: ldlugi8
Sibling's Names:
Ester Antygnus
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 11/18/2013; Possible | Researcher: ldlugi8
User Comment:
I believe Chewa and Szejwa Antygnus may be the same person, as they are listed to both be born on the same day and lived at the same ghetto address.
Approver Comment:
Thank you for correcting your sources. Please remember to update the previous stage with information about Laja as well.


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Stage 3: Labor Camps
No research performed on this stage


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Stage 4: Auschwitz & Beyond
No research performed on this stage


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Stage 5: Liberation & After
No research performed on this stage


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