Student Profile: Josef Plywacki

Gender: boy
School: School #18A

Stage 1: Identity
Student's Given Name:
Jakob Josef Plywacki
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 11/20/2014; Confirmed | Researcher: isabelw13
Birth Date:
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 11/20/2014; Confirmed | Researcher: isabelw13
Ghetto Street Address:
Hohensteinstrasse, 64, 37
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 11/20/2014; Confirmed | Researcher: isabelw13
Place of Birth:
Sudetenstrasse, 80
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 11/20/2014; Confirmed | Researcher: isabelw13
User Comment:
This student does not have any record of dying or beings transported to a camp. The only movement recorded is on his street (PRZ 94 42 DOM 4), suggesting that he may have survived the Holocaust.
Expert Reviewer Comment:
I think you've found the right student. In the future, use the comments section to explain how you decided that this was the student who signed the album. Please be careful not to assume that Jakob survived the Holocaust- the note in his record indicates that he moved to another address within the ghetto in April 1942. Good luck in the next stages!
Approver Comment:
The note does not confirm that he survived the Holocaust, but rather than he was still in the ghetto, living at Hohensteinstrasse 64 #4, on 9 April 1942.


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Stage 2: The Ghetto
Father's Name:
Aron Lajzer Plywacki
Source: Lodz Ghetto Hospital Records
Status: Submitted 11/20/2014; Confirmed | Researcher: isabelw13
Sibling's Names:
Henoch Plywacki
Source: Lodz Ghetto Hospital Records
Status: Submitted 11/20/2014; Confirmed | Researcher: isabelw13
User Comment:
A Google search of Henoch Plywacki, matching the birthdate and spelling of Josef's (potential) brother found that he had been transported to Dachau. (#81648) 2 other men with the last name Plywacki who also match the information for men living on Josef's street were also found to have been transported to Dachau.(Wladimir and Wladyslaw Plywacki)
Expert Reviewer Comment:
Please note that Aron Lajzer Plywacki has two records. The second indicates that his middle name is spelled Lazer. These two people might be the same person because they share the same birthday. There is also a woman who might be Josef's mother- Chaja Hena Plywacka. She is reported as living at Hohens 64 10 and Sud 80. While the Hohens address is different from Josef's address, it is consistent with Aron Lajzer Plywacki's address. I'm excited to see what you find in the next stages!
Approver Comment:
Please enter the additional information for Aron Lazer Plywacki and the information for his possible mother into the appropriate fields on this stage.


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Stage 3: Labor Camps
No research performed on this stage


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Stage 4: Auschwitz & Beyond
No research performed on this stage


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Stage 5: Liberation & After
No research performed on this stage


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